改名前(殺戮の女神)に発売されたシングル2枚組が"世界流通限定"で発売。\n\nDisc 1\nSong, Destroy, the Desire / Lost my life (TypeS) [2015/5/8]\n1. Song, Destroy, the Desire\n2. Lost my life\n3. Song, Destroy, the Desire (TypeS)\n4. Lost my life (TypeS)\n5. Song, Destroy, the Desire (TypeM)\n6. Lost my life (TypeM)\n7. Song, Destroy, the Desire (TypeL)\n8. Lost my life (TypeL)\n\nDisc 2\nSinging for your sky [2015/10/24]\n1 . Misconceptions (Opening SE)\n2 . Singing for your sky\n3 . not eXist (Any Special)
Athena’s Slaughter - Locus of 2015
SKU: MJRD-0030